About Us

We are Beth and Shelley and Wandering Works for Us! It is how we travel. We do not have a set of destinations in mind, we look for the best deals and experiences and go where the wind blows us. 

Traveling is more than a vacation. It is an experience, an adventure! We love to explore different cities, eat all the food, and drink all the wine. Our love for travel has brought us so many memories and stories, so we want to share them with you here.

Take a journey with us to the most interesting places on Earth and let us tell you a story…

How we started Traveling

Traveling is not for everyone. Being in a different country with different customs, culture and language can prove to be difficult. But for us, it is life.

Traveling for us is freedom.

We simply find ourselves when we are lost in a foreign city. Both of us traveled before we met. Beth has spent time in Canada, Portugal, Ireland, the UK, and France. Shelley visited Greece, China, and Central America. We knew when we met, we would both would see the world together.

We started our journey together in Naples, Italy. I had a week off for spring break and wanted to go to Europe. We found a cheap flight into Naples and a great Air B&B in the Piazza Plebiscitto. We explored Naples, Pompeii, and Sorrento that week. It was the most amazing time for both of us. Since then, we have been working on a way to travel even more.

Our Brand New Life

Today, we reside in Portugal, a country we both fell in love with. We use it as our home base as we explore other lands together and continue our adventure as a married couple. Portugal has made it easier to travel but also an opportunity to grow as world citizens. Follow us on our adventures on our new podcast, Wandering Works for Us!